For more than 30 years we have performed our shows for all kinds of people, in- and outdoors, in Scandinavia, the rest of Europe, in West-Africa, Russia and Lithuania. Audiences have laughed and wept when we wanted them to, and they have laughed when we wanted them to weep. But never have they wept when we wanted them to laugh. We believe.
Get to know who we are, what we do and how to stage one or several of our performances. Look under each performance title, and you will find info on the performance, actors, technical requirements, poster, brochure, press, etc.
Follow us on Facebook, or Instagram, or give us feedback, inspiration and good ideas via e-mail fusentast@fusentast.no or SMS to (+47)98070466.
Now playing
SAND MELLOM TÆRNE til Troms og Finnmark

September 20. -October 1, 2021 touring for ‘Den Kulturelle Skolesekken’ in Troms og Finnmark.
6 – 12 November 2021 på Lager 11, Sluppen i Trondheim: Barnehageforestillinger i regi av DKS Trondheim. Fusentasts Jaap den Hertog spiller med Karianna Sommerro i denne forestillingen til Teater Bizarra


A new series of beautiful, dishwasher-washable dot-patterned small pieces of art, for drinking coffee or tea – all ready to be purchased.
Corona variations now in production:

Pandemic-inspired, beautiful small pieces of art in which to enjoy warm or cold drinks. For more, click on Cobykunst.
Summer in Borggården
10-11 of July
Four performances of Sleeping Beauty as seen through the eyes of the frog

Fusentast på PiT-festival in Porsgrunn
PIT 2021 cancelled due to corona measures.
SAFT-festival in Fredrikstad

June 19, 2021 Peer Gynt and Katta og andre strofer

Despite the restrictions caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, we had quite a full calendar the 2020-summer and -fall! Some of it you will find here:
Teater Fusentast 30 år
April 12 – 31, 2021

Tour for DKS Nordland (The cultural knapsack)
FUSENFEST in Rosendal Teater
Sunday Oct. 25 – Friday Nov. 6, 2020

6 performances well spoken of by critics from our reperoire during the years: Katitzi and a workshop on making Theatre in a shoe box, followed by 4 days with performing for schools. Then, Sand between your tows, Nonsense and other senses and Sleeping Beauty as seen through the eyes of the frog. On Sunday Nov 11 Peer Gynt og Stayer, completed by another 4 days of performances for schools – Coby’s art is shown in the café, and in the foyer the one and only Panopticum, surrounded by colorful pictures from it’s tours all over … Europe!
Peer Gynt at Gålå Fri. August 7, 2020 kl. 12:00

The Corona-19 crisis forced the great Peer Gynt – manifestation to call off their outdoor performance at the Gålå lake – or so they feared. But no, this year Fusentast’s Peer Gynt will play this famous stage for one special performance only! Tickets at https://peergynt.no.
Sleeping Beauty as seen through the eyes of the frog – Lager 11, Sun. Aug. 9, 2020 at 13:00

After 100 years of quarantaine, the Sleeping beauty – as seen through the eyes of the frog – will be kissed back to life again at Sluppen in Trondheim, With all the precautions required in these Corona times. She will be living happily ever after together with her favourite prince and a lot of hand-washing.
The Otto Nielsen monument at Bakklandet

On June 19, artists Runi Langum og Hans Martin Øien unveiled their statue in memory of this singer, songwriter, humorist, entertainer and radio personality. The city of Trondheim has awarded us some money to create a brand new music roll with a medley of 10 of his songs for our hurdy-gurdy to perform at the ceremony. Our producer and musician Randi Størseth has arranged them. Come listen, sing along and dance with us also after the ceremony at bakklandstorget. We will keep performing this music around town and other places in times to come and the music rolls are made available to other hurdy-gurdy enthousiasts. It is possible to get us come make music at your party or celebration. We have a good library of modern and evergreen melodies from classics to pop, international and Norwegian.